Monday, November 29, 2010

Interview Questions

Interview with a Realtor

1.)When did you get into the realty business?
2.)How did you get into the realty business?
3.)What are some of your favorite things about dealing with real estate?
4.)What is the current market like in the central California real estate market?
5.)What are some of the hot-spots in the area that you deal in?
6.)What are some of the techniques that you use to value a house?
7.)What are some of the amenities that add value to the properties in your market?
8.)What are some of the amenities that decrease value to the properties in your market?
9.)What is your opinion of the future market in the area that you deal in?

1 comment:

Andrew Hansz PhD CFA MAI said...

Dear 2Amazing2,

I will send you comments when you identify yourself. Dr. Hansz